
Let us be thankful for fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed.
– Mark Twain

Trailheads for Wyoming’s Classic Peaks

We present the trailhead descriptions alphabetically by name.

Meadow Creek Trailhead

This trailhead is at 8,380 feet, and provides access to the south side of Francs Peak. If approaching from the north, go 31 miles south on WY 120 from Cody to Meeteetse. If approaching from the south, go 53 miles north on WY 120 from Thermopolis to Meeteetse. In the center of Meeteetse, turn west on WY 290 and measure from this point. Go southwest on WY 290, and turn south (left) onto the Wood River Road (Park County 4DT) at mile 6.6. Go south on the excellent Wood River Road, pass many ranches, and enter the Shoshone National Forest at mile 22.2.
Continue west on the good Wood River Road, pass the Wood River Campground at mile 22.9, the Middle Fork Trailhead at mile 23.5, and the Brown Mountain Campground at mile 25.4. The road becomes steeper and rougher at this point, but is still passable for tough passenger cars. Continue west on the Wood River Road as it climbs, then traverses the slopes to the north of the Wood River, ford Jojo Creek at mile 27.4, pass a turn for the historic Double D Ranch, and enter a large meadow at mile 27.5. Ford the Wood River at mile 27.6, crossing to the river’s south side. When the rver is in spate, this crossing may require you to drive through a foot or more of water, and the ford may not be practical for some vehicles. Continue west and as you enter an open area, look sharp for a small, unmarked turn toward the river at mile 29.2. You will be able to see this small road continuing on the north side of the river. Turn right onto the small road, ford the Wood River for a second time, and cross back to the river’s north side. Continue west on the road through the trees, and reach the trailhead at mile 29.8. The beginning of the Meadow Creek Trail is marked by an easily missed metal sign 20 feet to the north of the road, and there is parking for one or two vehicles near the sign. There is additional parking and two campsites 100 yards west of the sign.
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